Prevention is better than cure
I appreciate the effort of the Department of Health (DOH) in thinking and looking for better way on how they can stop dengue in our country nowadays where the number of victims continues to increase.
In the recent article I read in tabloids, DOH is planning to make genetic manipulation of insects and creating gay (hermaphrodite) mosquito to totally kill the female mosquito. How is that? Is this study has been proven? How much is the cost? How much time they need to finish the genetic manipulation? And the ultimate questions, is this will totally stops the dengue in our country or they are just creating another insect that will create another problem in the future?
As I said prevention is better than cure (tama?). Mostly, we Filipinos do not make prevention unless the dilemma is already there (tama, ulit?). I am not speaking in general. What I am saying is just my observation as an ordinary citizen.
Going back, if the government have a prevention plan for the future we may not experience such predicament. Like for example, the campaigned made by DOH, I think the ad was published last month or two months ago, to clean our environment. If this campaigned was made during summer time and initiated the cleaning of drainage and dengue suspect area during summer may be, we avoided this dengue cases nowadays. Unfortunately, may be, our government made campaigned but did not make an initiative to be the role model in following their campaigned if they did it is not thorough. The cases of dengue are already alarming.
Cure is not yet too late. In my opinion, planning to make genetic manipulation now is not a solution today, may be in the future. What the victims need are medicine and support from our government.
In general, preventions should be made ahead of time and preventions were not being planned and wrote in the peace of paper just to be kept in the book shelves or filling cabinets. But preventions need an action that will serve as cure.
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